Purpose of the Unit
This unit is designed to develop students' understanding of the time
in American History between 1954 and 1982 concerning the Vietnam War.
At the completion of this unit, students should have a clearer
understanding these trouble times in our history and be able to
understand how they have affected our country.
Rational of the Unit
This unit topic is important for building a foundation of knowledge
for subsequent course in American History. This can increase
students' chances of success in these courses, and thereby improve
their self-confidence and self-esteem. A basic understanding
of the
Vietnam War era and its effects is important because students should
be aware of this point in history when living in America. After
unit students will understand news reports, movies, conversations,
books, and etc. about the Vietnam War more clearly because they will
now have a background on it.
Goals of the Unit
The goals of this unit are for students to
1. Understand that the Vietnam War era was a troubled time in our
country. 2. Understand the view all three different presidents in
office during the war. 3. Understand the view of the citizens of
American during the war. 4. Develop critical thinking and critical
writing skills when talking about the Vietnam War era. 5. Develop a
more positive attitude towards American History. 6. Look forward to
learning more American History. 7. Understand of history is relevant
to our daily lives.
Instructional Objectives of the Unit
Upon completion of this unit of study, students should be able to
1. List and define at least 10 different terms related to the Vietnam
War era. 2. List the capitals of Vietnam (North and South) and write
the significance of each city. 3. Describe what values prompted Ho
Minh to seek Vietnamese independence. 4. Describe what the Gulf of
Tonkin did to President Johnson's authorization. 5. Explain what
Operation Rolling Thunder was and if it was a success or not. 6.
Describe and explain when and why so many American started speaking
out against the war. 7. Identify and explain the Tet Offensive, what
it was and how it affected the war and protestors. 8. Identify Robert
Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Eugene McCarthy, and Richard Nixon.
9. Explain why Richard Nixon who the election of 1968 and why LBJ did
not even run. 10. Explain what Vietnaminizaion was and if was working
to bring home the troops. 11. Describe the Kent State and Jackson
State University happenings. 12. Explain what was going on in Laos
Cambodia in 1971. 13. Describe the cease-fire agreement on January
1973 and if it could have been done earlier. 14. Explain what
eventually happened in Vietnam after America totally pulled out. 15.
Explain the effects of the war on the country, the troops, and the
government of the United States.
Unit Overview
Throughout this unit, students will be developing a concept of the
Vietnam era. Information for this understanding will be derived
lecture, movies, games, class discussions, and assigned readings.
overall instructional model is the understanding of the affect of the
Vietnam War on our country. Important to this is an assessment
students' understanding of it. The preassessment and the continuing
assessment of heir concepts will center on the following: 1. Why was
Ho Chi Minh so prompted to seek Vietnamese independence for his
country through communism? Students will understand this by learning
why (because of the history of the Vietnam country and the history
Ho Chi Minh the man). 2. Students will continue to build upon their
understanding of terms related to the Vietnam era (Vietminh, domino
theory, Geneva Accords, Vietcong, Gulf of Tonkin, napalm,
pacification, MyLai massacre, Tet Offensive, lottery system,
Vietnaminization, Pentagon Papers, Khmer Rouge). The terms will
merely be memorized but understood and put into context with the unit.
3. What were the reasons that we (as a country) did not leave
before 1973? Small Group discussions will be set up in class
followed by class presentations. The presentations will last
5 to 10 minutes and will explain the groups feelings of why we stayed
in Vietnam so long and if it was a good idea or not.
Assessment of Student Achievement
For this unit, assessment of student achievement will be both
formative and summative. Formative evaluation will be done daily
checklists of student behavior, knowledge, and skills. Summative
evaluation will be based on the following criteria: 1. Student
participation as evidenced by completion of daily homework, classwork,
group activities, and class discussions, and by the information on
student behavior checklists. 2. Weekly and pop quizzes on content.
Unit test.