90 min. class

By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:


I will have an outline on the white-board that the students will copy and fill in as new information and key points are given.

I. Main Island Groups  - on map (atolls, high islands, volcanic islands)
A. Marshall Islands
B. Federated States of Micronesia
C. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
D. Guam

II. Colonization
A. Other islands
B. Germany
C. Spain
D. Japan

III. Economy
A. Fishing (Exclusive Economic Zones)
B. Farming
C. Tourism

IV. Culture
A. Oral histories
i. Read a legend from Legends of Micronesia book

V. Westernization (how this reflects upon economy and culture)
A. Positive
i. Tourism
1. Keeps some traditions alive
a. Craft making, etc. (show crafts from Micronesia)
ii. Government money
1. Military use (Show pictures of Kwajalein Atoll)
iii. Easier trade
iv. Spread of Christianity
B. Negative
i. Dependency on US
ii. Nuclear testing (show pictures of Bikini Atoll)
iii. New diseases
iv. Pollution
v. Over-fished waters
vi. Conflict between old culture and new one

Have students work in groups of three-four and make up a legend of their own.  Students will then answer the following questions:

  1. Why are the islands of Micronesia important?  Past, present, future
  2. If you were to move to one of these islands, which one would you move to?  Why?  How would you make a living?  What would you do for fun?
  3. Extra Credit – Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.  If your island does not have a way to remove the salt from the ocean water and there are no freshwater rivers or lakes on your island (like coral atolls), how do you get water to drink?
  4. Map Activity (Region, Spread of cultures)