How does one use theater games constructively in the social studies classroom? First of all, one might use theater games as exercises in historical problem solving.  Have students use real historical issues as the basic conflicts in their scenes.  They might do this by depicting imagined meetings of famous historical figures (Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, Thomas Becket and Henry II, Charles V and Martin Luther) or by featuring typical figures of the time period (a manorial Lord and his peasants, a follower of Mohammed and a follower of Zoroaster, a publican and a Pharisee).

Students might also develop interesting scenes featuring unlikely or impossible combinations of characters (The Apostle Peter and Pope Alexander VI, Dennis Banks and Christopher Columbus, Bill Clinton and John Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt.) 

Also potentially useful is the historical trial.  Students who know enough about the subjects might be able to create very effective scenes putting Carrie Nation, Harry Truman, or George Washington on trial.

Probably the easiest area to use theater games is in exploring contemporary issues.  Students are almost certain to be able to develop good scenes around themes like gambling, crime, drug and alcohol abuse, abortion, health care, sexual harassment, women in the military, or religion in the schools.
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