SEED 415/515
Technology in the Classroom--Sessions I and II

During today's oday's class and next Tuesday's class, we'll be looking at the technology resources and tools indicated below. I'd like you to experiment with as many of these resources as possible, but spend more time on those that you think you might really use, less time on anything that doesn't seem helpful. 

1. Go to Blogger, create an account and create a blog on a social science topic that interests you. Send your link to me when you get the blog created.

2.  Look through the Wayback Machine internet archive.  As an experiment, paste "" into the search bar and see if you can still get to the list of Clinton accomplishments (the December 2000 archive version might be a good place to try first).

3.  Look through each section of the Real Clear Politics site.  Be sure to pay special attention to Real Clear Markets and Real Clear History.  Think about ways you might use the material in this site in a middle school or high school class.

4.  Log on to Merlot and create an account.  Merlot is a collection of annotated links.  The site provides some teaching ideas and occasional lesson plans.  Search through the site, add your review, and find at least one lesson plan you might use.
5. Create a Prezi account and create a short presentation.  Send me the link when you are done.

.  If possible, 'd like you to experiment with creating short online presenations with Jing.  Look first at the example here.  Jing is free, but you won't be able to download the program to NSU computers.  *Do* try this at home....

7.  Create a cartoon using ToonDoo.  One example from Amber Eich:

amber cartoon

8.  Borrow a microphone from the front desk and make a podcast using Podbean.

9.  Dr. Fouberg highly recommends as a source for up-to-date information.  It also looks like a potentially usefull tool for uploading your own material.Give it a try, and let me know what you think.

10.   Take a look at this Free Technology for Teachers page.  Look a the descriptions of the Google tools for teachers and choose a couple that seem particular intriguing.  If you find anything that seems particularly useful, let me know.

11.  Take a look at the other 2014 student blogs and add your comment to one of the posts on each blog.

12.  Post a reply to the latest post on my Everybody's Favorite Subject blog.

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