8th Grade American History
Unit:  The American Nation
Lesson:  Creating the United States

Content Standards:
1. Students will describe the successes and problems of the government under the Articles of Confederation
2. Students will contrast the differing points of view and compromises reached in the writing of the Constitution in 1787.
3. Students will describe the basic structure of government adopted by the Constitutional Convention.
4. Students will explain the fundamental liberties stated in the Bill of Rights
5. Students will contrast the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists in the struggle for ratification of the Constitution.

1. Students will be able do list the successes and failures of the Articles of  Confederation.
2. Students will be able to explain the difficulties encountered in writing the Constitution.
3. Students will be able to describe the duties of the rights and duties of the state constitutions as well as the federal constitution.
4. Students will be able to explain why and how the Bill of Rights came to be and what those amendments do for the people of the United States.
5. Students will compare the beliefs of the Federalists to the Anti-Federalists.

   Day 1:  Self-Government and Setting New Boundaries
Ø Journal on Current Events
Ø Pre-Assessment
Ø Break
Ø Lecture (see lecture notes)
Ø Worksheets 1 and 2

    Day 2:  Peacetime Troubles and We, the People
Ø Journal on Current Events
Ø Grade worksheets 1 and 2
Ø Break
Ø Lecture (see lecture notes)
Ø Worksheets 3 and 4

    Day 3:  Constitution
Ø Journal on Current Events
Ø Grade worksheets 3 & 4
Ø Break
Ø Lecture (see lecture notes)
Ø Constitutional Activity (see activity sheet)

    Day 4:  A More Perfect Union and Review
Ø Journal on Current Events
Ø Lecture (see lecture notes)
Ø Break
Ø Review for test
Ø Review Game Password

    Day 5:  Test
Ø Summative Assessment
Ø Review for test
Ø Break
Ø Test
Ø Time to work on other things

    Day 1:  Current Events Stories, Pre-Assessment Worksheet, Lecture Notes, Worksheets 1 & 2
    Day 2:  Current Events Stories, Lecture Notes, Worksheets 3 & 4
    Day 3:  Current Events Stories, Lecture Notes, Constitutional Activity Sheet
    Day 4:  Current Events Stories, Lecture Notes, Review Notes, Password Cards,  Stopwatch,
    Day 5:  Summative Assessment Worksheet, Test

Ø Pre-Assessment Worksheet
Ø Current Events Journal
Ø Worksheets
Ø Constitutional Activity Rubric
Ø Chapter Test