I. Introduction
II. Impact of warfare on Roman social structure
A. Senatorial class
B. Equestrians
C. Proletariat
D. Italian Allies
E. Slaves
III. Problems with Roman system
A. Government not designed for empire
Improvisation: consuls become proconsuls, praetors become propraetors,
B. Warfare undermines plebian victories in Struggle
of Orders, particularly lex hortensia
C. Court system out of whack
D. Squbbles among leaders in their quest for fama,
gloria, auctoritas, dignitas
E. Decay of Roman character
1. Cato the Elder--attempts to
go back to traditional values
2. Destruction of Carthage,
Corinth, Numantia: a solution, or part of the problem?
III. Tiberius Gracchus
A. Background
B. Election as tribune
C. Land reform
D. Reelection?
E. Assassination
IV. Gaius Gracchus
A. Election as tribune
B. Reforms
C. Problems/ mistakes
D Assassination
V. Results