I. Introduction
A. Major periods of Roman history
1. Monarchy 753-509 B.C.
2. Republic 509-31 B.C.
3. Empire 31 B.C.-?
4. Divided Empire
a. West 395-476 A.D.
b. East 385-1453 A.D.
B. Importance of early Roman history
II. Ancient versions of early Roman history
A. Greeks
B. First Roman historians
C. Virgil/Livy
III. Traditional account of Roman history
A. Aeneas
B. Romulus and Remus
C. Sabine women
D. Kings (Numa, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Martius, Tarquin)
E. Expulsion of Kings/Rape of Lucretia
F. Defeat of Lars Porsenna/Horatius at the bridge
IV. Reliability of traditional account
A. 19th century views
B. Archaeological evidence/limitations
V. Importance of traditional history as it stands
A. Roman values
B. Influence on sub. art/literature