Course: United States History
Unit: Colonization of New England
Topic: Puritans: Who they are and why they moved.
Review: Students will be asked to write a five- minute summary of
colonization in the Chesapeake colonies.
At the end of this lesson the student will be able to:
1. Discuss two different aspects of Puritan society.
2. List three reasons people left Old England to move to New
3. Name and describe two kinds of moves. 4. Discuss how a hierarchical
society is structured.
The first presentation will cover Puritan society, some of the reasons
they moved, and a ship-list will be analyzed to give students an
understanding of their society as well as some experience in analyzing
Overhead Projector/ Chalkboard
Ship-list handout
Presentation: Discussion and lecture on who Puritans are, the
structure of their society society, and why they wanted to move.
Students will discuss and analyze ship-list. Vocabulary words
will be
defined throughout lecture.
Puritans- Sixteenth and Seventeenth century English Protestant group
that practiced and preached a purer moral code. Wanted to set
an ideal society. Pilgrims- People who take a religious journey. Push
factors- Bad things pushing you to move. Pull factors- Good things
that could happen if you move. Horizontal Move- Move from one area
another seeking about the same job. Vertical Move- Movement in hopes
of improving prospects. Mayflower Compact- Document that united
Puritans on the Mayflower. John Calvin- Protestant reformer who
believed in Predestination. Predestination- Emphasized the power of
God. Some people are "elect."
Discussion Questions:
What can be learned about Puritan society from the ship-list?
Discuss the possible effects on young people reared in this society.
How did the Puritans want to reform the Church of England?
Why did
the Pilgrims settle in New England? What is the most common type of
move? Why were the Puritans a threat to the established church in
England? What was the Mayflower Compact and how did it impact early
American settlement?
Students will work in groups to develop a charter establishing a model
government for a colony. Their charter should include the following:
who can participate, what rights each citizen has, and what
responsibilities or duties each citizen and elected official has.
Display the charter on the bulletin board.
Presentation: Students will read the section on New England
colonization with class discussion to follow.
Congregationalism- Each congregation is free of outside influences.
Separation of Church and State- Government has no right to interfere
in religious matters. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut- Document
allowing men who owned property and
swore an oath of loyalty, to vote.
Constitution- A plan of government.
Massasoit- Indian chief who signed treaty of peace with Pilgrims.
Squanto- Indian who taught Pilgrims to fish, snare deer and plant
corn. William Bradford- Governor of Plymouth Colony. John Winthrop-
Leader of Congregationalism. Roger Williams- Preached separatism
was banished from Massachusetts colony.
Rhode Island. Anne Hutchinson- Sent into exile by Puritan leaders for
preaching her beliefs. Thomas Hooker- Founded Connecticut. Metacomet-
Wampanoag chief who declared war on settlers.
Discussion Questions:
How did the settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony deal with church
and government? How did the Puritan settlement of New England affect
the American Indians living there? How were the colonies of Rhode
Island and Connecticut formed? Why did some groups leave Massachusetts
to form other colonies?
Divide students into five groups and have each group outline the main
ideas following one major heading in each section. Ask students
check each other's work for accuracy. Have them combine the separate
outline into one lesson outline.
Summary: Each student will be able to write about and discuss who the
Puritans and Pilgrims are, why they came to New England, and some of
the people instrumental in their society.