Name Tag Game
(best suited for overview of material)
1. First you will need note cards (any size will work).
2. Write terms or persons on one note card and the appropriate response
on another card. i.e. guerilla warfare: warfare used in Vietnam, or Clinton:
3. Tape a card to the student’s back, not letting them see what is
on the card.
4. Instruct class that they are supposed to match up with their partner
by asking students questions about what is on their back.
5. When students match their partner, they can go to the teacher and
get a reward.
This is a good game for an overview. It lets you know what students
already know about the subject and also gives students a chance to know
what they will be learning about.
This game can also be modified, by only letting them say one word about
the card on their back, or just by using hand actions.
--Casey Hanson