Title: Social structure, status & roles
Plan by: Connie Mogen
Time: 85 min.
Course: Sociology
Grade: 12
Materials: text book, chalk board, deck of cards
1. Students will be to define terms for Sections 1 & 2, Chapter
Section 1
Section 2
Social structure
ascribed status
achieved status
status set
role perfomance
master status
social interaction
role conflict
role strain
Brief review of ch 4
Introduce Chapter 5
Discuss Social Structure
Discuss strange classroom on p.139
Why was it strange?
What's different?
What are the usual
roles of our society called?
Why do we need
social structure?
Do activity with deck of cards to demonstrate ascribed status. Give
student a card. Write on the board what status each card represents.
K,Q,J= privileged
10,9,8,7 =semi-privileged
6,5,4= not privileged
3,2,1,= inferior
Discuss ascribed and acheived status(p. 141)
Can you give examples of
ascribed status?
gender, eye color, hair type, race
Can you give examples of
acheived status?
doctor, lawyer, minister, president, engineer
Could a status be both ascribed
and acheived?
Ex. student - you are students because you have to be. I
am a student because I chose to
Discuss status sets and master status.(p. 142)
Can we have more than one status?
Have students give examples
and write them on the board.
What are all out statuses called?
status sets
Are all our statuses the same? Are some more important?
What are the
more important statuses called? Why?
Are master statuses achieved
or ascribed? List examples of both on the board.
Discuss experiment: Adopting statuses in a simulated prison (p. 144).
Why did "guards" treat the "prisoners"
so badly? Why do you think
the "prisoners" tolerated the mistreatment?
Briefly relate to my experience
working at the Developmental
Center especially steareotyping
of roles of residents and staff.
Discuss roles, rights and obligations (p. 146).
role= expected behavior associated with a status
What are your rights as students? As a son
or daughter? What are
your obligations in those
Discuss role performance and social interaction.(p.147)
Discuss ex. in text- boys fighting to try to influence
each other.
Are insults cues to the next "act"?
Discuss Snapshot of America(p. 149).
Which two states had the highest rate of school
expulsions for gun
violations? Why was S. D. so high? Yet with this high rate we
have school shootings. Why? Colorado had a very low rate
expulsions but the Columbine shootings happened there the year after
this report. What does this mean? Do you think
the statistics were
Discuss role conflict and role strain(p.149).
Use myself as example. I am a student, employee,
wife, mother,
grandmother, daughter, sibling. Could I have conflict in all those
Could we have conflict within a role? Example-
student with too
many assignments due at once.
Discuss two-career families(p. 152).
How many of you have working mothers? Is there
role strain for her?
For your dad? You? What could you do to relieve the
for her?
Have students and Mr. Murphy fill out evalutions on me. Thank
them for
allowing me this opportunity!