Please read chapters 1-14 for Thursday and chapters 14-28 for Tuesday.  Pay especially close attention to chapters 5-7 and chapters 24-28.  As you read, note passages that might be helpful in explaining why Matthew might be thought of as a gospel for those who think they have no need of the gospel.  Please also be ready to discuss the questions below.  You might also include answers to some of these questions in your journal.
1.  Why does Matthew, with so many interesting and important things to say about Jesus, choose to begin his gospel with a long list of names rather than with something more attention-grabbing?

2.  Matthew constantly cites the Old Testament.  Why?  Do you think that the scriptures he cites would have convinced any of the Pharisees and Sadducees that Jesus was the Messiah?

3.  What is Jesus' attitude toward the law?  What differences are there between the standards set by Jesus and those in the law of Moses?

4.  Why does Matthew (who obviously knew the differences between the two sects) constantly group the Pharisees and the Sadducees together?

5.  What does Matthew object to in the conduct of the Pharisees and Sadducees?  What does he object to in the doctrines of these groups?

6.  What significance does Matthew see in the miracles performed by Jesus?  Why does he choose to emphasize the particular miracles he does?

7.  How does Matthew explain the fact that so much of Jesus' teaching was in parables?  What, according to Matthew, was the purpose of these parables?

8.  What does Matthew have in mind when he talks about the "kingdom of heaven"?  What does he think this kingdom is/will be like?

9.  What is Matthew's eschatology?  What does he think things will be like in the "last days"?  When does he think these last days will begin?  In view of this, how does he think a wise man should behave now?

10.  In Matthew's view, who is responsible for Jesus' death?

11.  Why is Matthew's account of the resurrected Jesus so brief?