Please read chapters 1-12 for Tuesday and chapters
13-24 for Thursday. As you read, note especially passages that
may be useful in showing that the Gospel of Luke was particularly well
suited to the needs and interests of gentile believers of the first
century. Please also be ready to discuss the questions
below. You might keep track of some of your observations in your
church history journal.
1. What reason does Luke give for writing his gospel? What
sources does he claim for his information?
2. Why does Luke spend so much time on the events surrounding the
birth of Christ? How is his account of Christ's birth different
than Matthew's? How do you explain these differences?
3. How does Luke treat the Pharisees and Sadducees? Is his
portrayal of these groups any different than Matthew's?
4. Luke does not cite the Old Testament nearly as much as
Matthew, but when he does cite the OT he does it at greater
length. Why?
5. Luke includes several stories not included in the gospel of
Matthew, e.g. the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15), the story of the
good Samaritan, and the story of the dishonest steward (Luke 16).
Can you think of any particular reason for this?
6. Luke often gives a much briefer account of certain incidents
in Jesus' ministry. One example is his account of the sending out
of the disciples (Luke 9, Matthew 10). Can you think of any
reason this might be so?
7. Is their anything in the Gospel of Luke that might appeal to
particular groups among the gentiles, e.g. to women, to the poor, to
philosophers, etc.?
8. Compare Luke 21 and Matthew 24. How do you explain the
differences between these passages?
9. How does Luke conclude his gospel? Why conclude the
gospel like this? With what message does he leave his readers?