“Who wants to be a Millionaire?” History
review game
This review game is based on the popular new game show of the same name.
It pits one student from the class against ten multiple-choice questions.
As the questions ascend the questions become more difficult. The
student is picked from the rest of the class by being the first to correctly
answer a question. This contestant gets three lifelines to assist
in answering the questions: 1. By a show of hands, the class gives what
multiple-choice answer they would choose, 2. Contestant gets to ask one
specific member of the class for help, 3. The 50/50 lifeline erases two
of the four multiple-choice answers. The student can use a lifeline
only once so they should use them wisely. More than one lifeline
can be used on a question. The game is won when the student answers
all ten questions with no incorrect answers. If a question is missed
the contestant’s turn is over. After four correct answers the contestant
is guaranteed a prize (to be determined at teacher’s discretion i.e. bonus
points, candy, pop, etc.). After seven correct answers the contestant
is guaranteed a better prize. Ten correct answers equals the grand
prize (again at teacher’s discretion).
Jeopardy Review
Jeopardy review is played just like the Jeopardy gameshow with 5 categories
with one Daily Double for the first round and two Daily Doubles for Double
Jeopardy. Daily Double’s allow the team to bet the equivalent of
their score or the highest value on the board ($500 for first round and
$1000 for Double Jeopardy). In Final Jeopardy the team bets equivalent
to it’s score. This review game should be played in teams to promote
whole class participation. A variation involves adding a critical
thinking question that would be available to every team to answer for the
same amount as the question. Adding a critical thinking question allows
for more class participation and a higher level review. Remember
that all answers must be in question form.
Example- Question: This Rough Rider changed the office of the Presidency.
Answer: Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
Critical Thinking Question (for everybody): How did Roosevelt change
the office of the Presidency?
Students are asked to build on one word (preferably the unit of study,
i.e. The Great War). The students would then, individually
or in groups, add on to the word/phrase using events and names from that
unit. Students will have to explain the significance of each person/event
to get credit. Scoring consists of 1 point per phrase or name (with
explanation). Have students do their Scrabble board on a transparency
and display and explain their names and phrases.
Example - P
The Great War
Hollywood Squares
Nine volunteers from the class can either choose or will be given a name
of a celebrity (Michael Jordan, Madonna, Bill Clinton, etc). The
rest of the class is split up into two teams: X’s and O’s. The game
is based on tic-tac-toe. A representative of each team is given the
chance to answer a question. The first to correctly answer the question
gets to start the game first. The representative chooses a celebrity
who then answers a question. The representative has to decide if
he should agree or disagree with the celebrity answer. The rest of
the team can help the team representative with the decision. If the
representative answers correctly the team sign is placed in the square.
If an incorrect answer is given then the opposing sign is put in the square.
The opposing team is then given a turn. After both team representatives
have answered one question then another team representative is picked from
each team. This continues until one team has three in a row (diagonal,
across, or up and down).
This game is played with a tape ball and a garbage basket. The class is
then broken up into two teams. A team representative from each team
gets the chance to answer a question (face-off). The first representative
to answer correctly gets the chance to shoot. The team decides whether
to shoot close (1 pt), medium range (2 pts), 3-pointer (3 pts) or The Equalizer,
which should be across the room, (5 pts). After each shot, two new
team representatives face-off with another question. If the question is
incorrectly answered by both teams than a new representative is picked
and play resumes. The game should be played with a time limit or
to a pre-determined score.
The same rules as Basketball apply in 21 except that the first team to
exactly 21 points is the winner. If team scores more than 21 points
than their score reverts to zero. If a team misses their shot, then
the opposing team, with a correct answer, can choose to take the Challenge
shot and take the same shot that the other team missed. The value
of the shot then doubles (i.e. The Equalizer would become a 10 point shot
instead of 5).
History Scategories
The class is broken up into teams. The teams are then given a
list of categories appropriate to the unit of study. A letter is
picked through a roll of the Scategory die. The teams must then pick
words and names from the unit of study that start with the letter that
was rolled. Each team then works to find unique answers which each
count as one point. If two or more teams have the same answer than
no points are given for that answer.
Family Feud
The class is split up into two teams. A team representative tries
to win control for their team by being the first to list an answer to a
particular question. (i.e. Name the original 13 colonies).
Each correct answer is worth five points. However, if the controlling
team fails to list all of the parts of the question then the opposing team
gets a chance to steal the question. If the opposing team answers
correctly than they get the total amount from the question. If the
opposing team does not answer correctly than the controlling team retains
all of the points from the question. Three rounds are played in this
way. The leading team at the end of the three rounds gets to play
the final round. If the team lists all of the answers to the last
question than they are awarded a prize (up to the discretion of the teacher).
Stock Market
Give each student a set amount of money to “invest”. Every day students
will be able to check progress of their stocks through a computer or the
newspaper. The student with the most money at the end of the predetermined
time period is declared the winner.
What if…
Students are broken into groups and are given a what if… question
(Ex. What if JFK had not been assassinated?). The groups
will discuss their question together and than each group will present the
answer to their what if… question.