The Impact of World
War I on the United States
The Progressive
Wars change things, and big wars change things a lot.
World War I
changed America, or at least hastened the pace of
change. Some of
these changes might have been good, but there was a sinister
side to
some of what was going on as well. World War I shows
some of the achievements of the Progressives, but it also
shows the dark side of the Progressive movement and some of
its failures.
The first study question for the next midterm asks you to be
prepared to address this generalization:
In the early years of the 20th
century, crusaders of various types took on all of the many
evils plaguing American society-- crime, disease,
corruption, poverty, ignorance, and injustice--and
won! At least, sort of.
The material below
should give you some good insights into how the Progressive
movement was only a "sort of" victory for the cause of reform.
[In class I often spend quite a bit of time
discussing the origins of
WW I in Europe. If you are interested, you can read the World
War I lecture I give in my History 122 class. You do not
need to talk about
this on the exam. Concentrate instead on the way American
involvement in WWI directly or indirectly changed things like
foreign policy, American politics, social relationships, etc.]
Start and Expansion of World War I
On June 28, 1914, a
Serbian-backed terrorist (Gavrilo Princip) assassinated Franz
Ferdinand (the heir to the Austrian throne) and his wife
Sophie. This led to Austria declaring War on
Serbia. The Russians then jumped in to defend their
"little brother Slavs." Germany then joined in to
protect Austria, their only reliable ally in Europe. But
because of flaws in German planning, the Germans felt they had
to attack, not just Russia, but France also. And, to
defeat France quickly, they marched through neutral
Belgium. The Belgians weren't going to stand for this,
so they were at war with Germany, and Britain, pledged to
defend Belgium, also declares war on Germany. In 1915,
Italy (hoping to pick up some territory from Austria) joined
the war on behalf of what came to be called the allied powers
(Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia) while Bulgaria and the
Ottoman Turkish empire joined the Central Powers (Austria and
Germany). The European countries had colonies all over
the world, and so, directly and indirectly, the war, soon
called "The Great War" and now called "World War I"), ended up
as one of the greatest conflicts up to that point in history.
Over there
But what did all this have to do with the United States?
at all, some would have hoped. George Washington had warned
US against becoming entangled in European wars, and, for 150 years,
US had (mostly) followed Washington’s advice. President
Woodrow Wilson and (even more) his Secretary of
State William Jennings Bryan were committed to this
“non-entanglement” tradition, trying
to keep us from getting involved.
But it wasn’t easy. As the war raged in Europe, tremendous
opportunities were available to American businesses, and American
businessmen took advantage of this.
Germany had resorted to U-boat warfare to try to block supplies
getting to Britain. They warned us that anyone sailing on a
British ship was subject to attack, but Americans continued to
on British ships anyway.
In 1915, the Germans sunk the Lusitania, killing 1,198 people
128 Americans. This didn’t play well with the American
public. On top of that, the British-controlled transatlantic
cable was transmitting information designed to make us sympathize
their side and be outraged by German atrocities.
Still, Wilson held the line, and, when he ran for reelection in
he made that a key point in his campaign. His Republican
Charles Evans Hughes (called Charles Evasive Hughes by his
didn’t make clear where he stood on US entry into the war.
Wilson campaign, however, made much of Wilson’s success in
American involvement. “He kept us out of war” was a featured
slogan. One campaign ad: “You are working, not fighting;
and happy, not cannon fodder; Wilson and peace with honor, or
with Roosevelt and war?”
Well, Wilson won reelection, but in a close vote: 277 to 254 in
electoral college. The American people had chosen Wilson, at
least partly on the implied promise we were *not* going to enter
But there were soon problems with this policy. The papers
up the Zimmerman Note, an intercepted German message to Mexico
said that, in the event of American entry into the war, Mexico
attack the United States. At the end of the war, the Germans
would repay them by getting back for them Texas, New Mexico, and
On top of that, the Germans were sinking American ships taking
to Britain. Anti-German sentiment increased, and Wilson
we had to go to war.
The American war effort as
"progressive" reform
But if he was going to break his implied campaign promise, Wilson
better give the American people good reasons for doing so.
He did.
1. This would be a “war to end all wars.”
2. This would be a war to “make the world safe for
Good goals—but more than goals. Wilson was determined that
war would be a “progressive” war, one that did in fact lead to a
peaceful world and that did in fact lead to free and democratic
Wilson suggested a way of settling the war that might have done
that, his “Fourteen Points,” Wilson’s plan for resolving European
world-wide) problems after the fighting was done.
Wilson’s points included:
1. Open covenants (no secret diplomacy)
2. Freedom of the seas
3. The removal of economic barriers
4. The reduction of national armaments “to the lowest point
consistent with safety”
5. The impartial adjustment of colonial claims
6. The evacuation of Russia by foreign armies
7. Belgian independence
8. The Alsace-Lorraine area restored to France
9. Adjustment of the Italian frontier
10. Autonomy for the peoples of Austria-Hungary
11. The restoration of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro
12. Autonomy for Turkey
13. An independent Poland
14. The creation of a League of Nations
Now these ideas reflect a pretty solid understanding of the causes
WWI and a pretty sound recipe for an amicable peace.
entry into the war *did* turn the tables in Europe leading to the
defeat of Germany, and our contributions *should* have meant that
would have an important voice in how the war was actually settled,
*especially* since the Germans surrendered under the belief they
be treated in accord with the generous terms promised by Wilson.
But what actually happened is that, after the war was over, the
British, and even more the French, insisted on much harsher terms
Germany—and Wilson gave in. Why? He sacrificed most of
goals to achieve the one goal he thought most important, the
of the League of Nations. The Versailles Treaty that actually
ended the
war (June 28, 1919) stripped Germany of the Saar Basin and the
region, reduced the German army to 100,000 men, forbid German
fortifications on their border with France—and imposed on German
indemnity of more than $30 billion to pay for the war. But
had got his League of Nations—sort of. And World War I was a
victory overall for the good guys—sort of.
Impact of WWI on America and on
progressive movement
Unfortunately, American involvement in WWI had some worrisome
effects on the country. Wilson had warned that if Americans
to war they would “forget the very meaning of the word tolerance,”
intolerance did increase as a result of our involvement in WWI.
During the war, it seemed necessary to stir up anti-German
sentiment to
induce men to volunteer or to accept the draft, and to induce
in general to make the sacrifices necessary for the war
The job of stirring up anti-German sentiment fell to George Creel
his Committee of Public Information.
Creel’s group printed all sorts of anti-German posters. One
featured an ape-like German carrying of a helpless young
The caption? Destroy this made brute. Another showed a
German dragging off a girl by the hair. The caption?
Very, very effective. Men hate rapists—and the thought of
innocent young girls being raped by German soldiers made American
angry enough to want to fight.
Hollywood jumped on the anti-German bandwagon, producing movies
“The Kaiser,” “To Hell with the Kaiser,” and “The Beast of
It worked! Americans hated Germans—hated them enough to want
kill them. And that (of course) is what war is all
But there was a problem.
What about the Germans among us? If Germans are so awful,
shouldn’t we hate them too? Americans burned German books,
and end to German-language church services, banned the playing of
German music. “German” was a dirty word. German
were renamed…and no one was allowed to study German in
And, if you were German yourself, you better prove your loyalty to
US by buying liberty bonds—bonds whose revenues could be used to
destroy those nasty countrymen of yours.
Not just the Germans became the subject of hate campaigns.
sentiment had been increasing even before the war. D.W.
Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” fed into a resurgence of the Klu
Klan. By 1925, there were 5 million Klan members! KKK=
“Kill the Kikes the Koons and the Katholics” said some.
Anti-Jewish, Anti-Catholic, Anti-black sentiment all increased
Klan growth.
Likewise, the country became intolerant of foreigners.
Anti-immigration laws slowed immigration to a trickle of what it
Feeding both anti-black and anti-immigrant sentiment was the
growth of
the eugenics movement. Darwinian ideas on “natural” selection led
to an
increased desire to improve the American genetic heritage through
artificial means. Forced sterilization and anti
laws (precursors of the policies the Nazis would adopt in Germany)
drawn up in many states—laws that, in some cases, stayed on the
until the 1960’s.
[The Wikipedia article on eugenics is
really a
must-read for anyone who wants to understand the dark side of
progressive movement. Teddy Roosevelt, Luther Burbank, Alexander
Bell, Margaret Sanger, and many other prominent Americans bought
into a
movement that for a time pushed us well down the road that Nazi
would take to its logical and horrible conclusion.]
World War I also increased other types of intolerance.
leader Eugene Debs was thrown into prison for conspiracy: he had
against the constitutionality of the draft. Duly elected New
lawmakers were excluded from holding office by their colleagues on
charge that they were socialists.
World War I led also to a changed status for women. The 19th
Amendment (adopted in 1920) guaranteed women the right to
Wilson had championed it as “a necessary war measure.” But
seems to me that the real reason men dropped their opposition to
19th Amendment was the 18th Amendment.
Men had opposed women’s suffrage in part because they were afraid
would make prohibition their number one priority. In 1920,
were no longer afraid giving the women the right to vote would
lead to
prohibition. Why? Because, by then, we already had
The 18th Amendment authorized Congress to ban the sale and
transport of
intoxicating beverages. Why adopted? Well, American
had not been allowed to drink in WWI. They had been more
effective than any other soldiers. It looked, then, that WWI
proof positive that getting rid of booze was a good idea.
national experiment with Prohibition, then, was another
consequence of
But despite the fact that World War I had led to some changes
progressive wanted, WWI really ended up killing the progressive
movement. In 1920, Wilson decided that the Democrats should
the election a “solemn referendum” on the League of Nations.
to this point, Republicans in the Senate had blocked US
Wilson said: OK, let’s show them at the polls. Although
himself was not on the ballot anywhere, he did succeed in making
American people think that the big issue in both the presidential
congressional contests was American commitment to the League of
The result? The American people said no to the
league—electing a conservative Republican, Warren G. Harding,
than the progressive Democratic nominee, Cox. It wasn’t even
close—Harding won by the largest margin of any candidate in
history up to that point. Progressivism was dead—at least
for the moment.