Famous Historical Quotes:
The object of this game is to earn the most points in the allotted time
period. Divide the class into two teams. Decide which side
goes first. The teacher reads the quote and the first team has to
identify who said it. If they miss, the opposing team has the opportunity
to answer it or challenge the next quote to the first team. A standard
answer is worth 2 points and a challenge answer is worth 4 points.
Play continues in that manner until time expires. The teacher can
have a “reward” for the winner. This could be candy, a coupon, extra
credit, etc. The teacher could also challenge the students to find
their own quotes in a specific area, say famous philosophers, 20th century
authors, famous historians, famous war leaders, etc. Another variation
is to give extra points if they can give the nationality of the person
quoted, or that person’s area, i.e. actor, author, politician, etc.
--De Anna Garza