II. Reason the Hebrews are important: the Bible
A. Influence on art, law, philosophy, etc.
III. Patriarchs (2000-1600 B.C.)
A. Abraham (covenant)
B. Isaac and Jacob (Israel)
C. Sons of Israel
IV. Egyptian period (1700-1300)
A. Good reception (Hyksos)
B. Changed attitude
C. Enslavement
V. Exodus (c. 1300-1200)
A. Moses and his contributions
B. Joshua/Conquest of Canaan
VI. Judges (1200-1020)
VII. United Monarchy (1020-922)
A. Saul
B. David
C. Solomon
VIII. Israel (922-722)
IX. Judah (922-587)
X. Babylonian Captivity (587-538)
XI. Return
A. Persian dominance
B. Greek dominance
C. Roman dominance
D. Diaspora (70 A.D.--1948 A.D.)
XII. The Bible: Basic divisions
A. Law (Torah)
B. Neviim (Prophets)
C. Kituvim (Writings)