I. Ways in which Hebrews seem unimportant

A. Empire?
B. Contributions to art, science, math, medicine?

II. Main periods of Hebrew history

A. Patriarchs (2000-1600)
B. Sojourn in Egypt (1700-1300)
C. Exodus/Conquest of Canaan (1300-1250)
D. Judges (1250-1020)
E. United Monarchy (1020-922)
F. Israel (922-722)
G. Judah (922-135 A.D.)
1. Babylonian exile (600-536)
2. Conquered by Persians/Cyrus the Great (536)
3. Conquered by Greeks/Alexander the Great (c. 330)
4. Maccabee revolt, independence (c. 160)
5. Conquered by Rome/Pompey the Great (c. 60 B.C.)
6. War with Rome, Jerusalem destroyed (66-70 A.D.
7. Bar Kochbar's revolt (135 A.D._)
8. Diaspora (70 A.D.-1948 A.D.)

III. Hebrew contributions

"In understanding the development of western civilization the Bible is unquestionably the most important single text, and no heir to this tradition who has not read it can consider himself educated." -- Professor Harry Orlinsky

A. Tenach (Torah, Neviim, Kituvim)

1. Law (Example: DEUTERONOMY)
2. Prophets (Example: ISAIAH)
3. Writings (Example: PSALMS)
B. Hebrew acct. of beginnings: GENESIS
1. Why accts. of beginning are important
2. What Hebrew acct. of beginning says about man
a. creation good
b. evil comes from disobedience
c. God is working against evil
C. Hebrew eschatology (DANIEL)
1. Basic question/problem of evil
2. Answer in Genesis, reasons not satisfactory
3. Sufferings of Daniel and friends
4. How a good man is to behave in evil circumstances
5. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
6. Nebuchadnezzar's Image
7. Nebuchadnezzar's Madness
8. Belshazzar's Party
9. Daniel in the Lion's Den
10. Final answer to the problem of evil