I. Introduction: The Gospel for the Jews
II. Main periods of Hebrew history
A. Patriarchs (2000-1600)
B. Sojourn in Egypt (1700-1300)
C. Exodus/Conquest of Canaan (1300-1250)
D. Judges (1250-1020)
E. United Monarchy (1020-922)
F. Israel (922-722)
G. Judah (922-135 A.D.)
1. Babylonian exile (600-536)
2. Conquered by Persians/Cyrus the Great (536)
3. Conquered by Greeks/Alexander the Great (c. 330)
4. Maccabee revolt, independence (c. 160)
5. Conquered by Rome/Pompey the Great (c. 60 B.C.)
6. War with Rome, Jerusalem destroyed (66-70 A.D.
7. Bar Kochbar's revolt (135 A.D._)
8. Diaspora (70 A.D.-1948 A.D.)
III. Divisions among the Jews
A. Sadducees
B. Pharisees
IV. Indications that Matthew written especially for Jews
A. Genealogy
1. Implied history of Jews (cf. Acts 7/Acts 13)
2. Gematriya/14's
B. Use of prophecy
1. Matthew 1:23 citation of Isaiah 7:14
2. Matthew 2: 6 citation of Micah 5:2
3. Matt. 2:15 citation of Hosea 11:1
4. Matt. 27:43 ref. to Psalm 22:8
5. Matthew 2:23 (Nazar prophecies: Isaiah
11:1-12/Isaiah 53)
6. Matthew 4:4 citation of Deut. 8:3
C. Imagery
1. Kings, Myrrh, Gold, tied to Isaiah 60:6/Psalm
V. The Gospel for those who need no gospel
A. Criticism of those who trust to ancestry
B. Changed idea of who requires baptism
C. Criticism of motives of motives of Phar. and Sad.
D. The Sermon on the Mount: True Religion
1. Is law enough?
2. Are externals enough?
3. Basic human problem/solution
E. Miracles/chapters 8, 9, 10)
F. Parables (ch 13, ch. 20)
1. Reason for parables
2. Emphasis on forgiveness/restoration
3. Criticism of Pharisees and Sadducees
G. Criticism of Doctrines of Pharisees and Sadducees
H. Criticism of Actions of Pharisees and Sadducees
I. Jesus response to challenges to his authority
J. Direct warning about Scribes and Pharisees (ch. 23)
K. The "little apocalypse" and its message to Jews
L. Crucifixion, Resurrection of Jesus