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Christianity gave the Roman Empire a new lease on life. Particularly in
the east, the Christianized Roman Empire, what we ususally call the Byzantine
Empire, remained successful for centuries. However, the Byzantine empire
was not quite as Christian as it might have been, nor was Christianity
always as helpful as it might have been. Comment.
I. Three major periods of medieval history
A. Early (325 A.D.-1000 A.D.)
B. High (1000 A.D-1300 A.D.)
C. Late (1300 A.D.-1500 A.D.)
II. Byzantium
A. Constantine: Rebuilding/Christianization of Empire
1. Problems facing empire
2. New capital (Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul)
3. Christianization of capital/empire
B. Barbarian invasions
C. Justinian and Theodora
1. Nika Riots
2. Theodora
3. Justinian's reforms
a. rebuilt churches/other building projects
b. reconquest of west
c. education/bureacracy
d. law
D. Ways in which Byzantium not so Christian
1. Succession
2. Cruelty
a. Empress Irene
b. Death of Andronicus Commenus
c. Basil the Bulgar slayer
3. Religious division: Christological controversies
b. Semi-arianism
e. Monothelites
f. Monoergasites
4. Religious division: Iconoclasm
5. Barbarian invasion/impact