Forum: Quo vadis?
vadis (where
are you going)?" asks Peter--and
it's a good question to ask at the
beginning of every course.
Today's class is a series of
introductions: introductions from class
participants, an introduction to the class
requirements, and, most of
all, an introduction to apologetics
itself. What is
apologetics? Why is it
important? What can you expect to
learn from this class? I would like
all students to post to the
first topic in this forum and at least one
of the other topics.
July 5
Forum: Gospel
The Sermon on the Mount
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
July 6
Forum: Though its
portion be the scaffold
Please read
Socrates’ Apology online at
at http://socrates.clarke.edu/aplg0100.htm.
If you prefer, you can listen to the
portions of the Apology online at http://socrates.clarke.edu/aplg0014.htm.
Read also Justin Martyr's First
Apology either in the Bush
anthology (pp. 1-29) or online here.
Look for similarities and differences
between the two works. I
find the Bush editing of the First
Apology a bit choppy. The online
version might be easier to understand
even though it involves a bit
more reading. As an
alternative to Plato's version of
Socrates' apology, you might enjoy
reading the less
version from Xenophon.
Please add your comments to
either the Plato or Xenophon post and to
the Justin Martyr post on the
class blog.
(Plato version)
(Xenopon's version)
July 7
Forum: Athens and
has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" asked
Tertullian, suggesting that the
opinions of the philosophers are nothing
compared with the wisdom of
sacred scripture. But the works of
Athenagoras and of Tertullian
himself suggest that Athens (Greek philosophy)
and Jerusalem (Hebrew
prophetic wisdom) might well go hand in
hand. Please read
Athenagoras Plea for the Christians
and Tertullian's Apology
either in the Bush anthology (pp. 31-61,
81-95) or online links (click
on titles for online links). Add your
response to either the
Athenagoras or Tertullian posts linked
below. If you are ready
for a real challenge, read
also the selections from Origen in the Bush
anthology (pp.
97-137) and add your comments to either the
Celsus or Origen posts
linked below.
Plea for the Christians
Tone and Substance
July 10 Forum: Teach Your Children Well--Extra credit material
Clement of Alexandria
Eusebius of Caesarea
July 11
Forum: I believe
I understand: Augustine
When the
persecutions come to an end
and when Christianity becomes the religion
most favored by the Roman
state, the Great Conversation heads off in new
directions. St.
Augustine (AD 354-430) puts the last touches
on the argument against
the soon-to-be-gone pagan traditions of Rome,
and, when the
conversation over Christian truth again
emerges in the Middle Ages, the
discussion is very different. Please
read some of the selections
from Augustine in your Bush anthology (pp.
195-236) and add your
comment to the blog post linked below.
July 12
Forum: Smart as
an Ox
many, many people, Thomas Aquinas
is the theologian that got it right, bringing
all of Christian doctrine
into a coherent whole and showing how we ought
to apply that doctrine
to our lives. St. Anselm, a somewhat earlier
medieval thinker, also
continues to have a special appeal. Please
read the selections from
Anselm (pp. 237-270) and Aquinas (pp. 271-300)
in your
Bush anthology (pp. 271-300), and add your
comments to one or more of
the posts below.
July 14
Reason: Wycliffe, Calvin, and Luther
The Great Conversation takes off in a
different direction once
again during the Renaissance and the
Reformation. The shift is
particularly evident in the writings of John
Calvin. Please read
pp. 301-326 in your Bush anthology and
respond to one of the
following posts.
July 17
Forum: The heart
has its reasons
Despite the fact
that it is only a
collection of partially organized notes,
Pascal's Pensees is, for many
(including me), one of their favorite
books. Please read a few
selections from Pensees at the link here
and add your comments to one or more of the
topics below (all included
on one "main" Pascal blog prompt).
July 18
forum: Who gets
it? Naturally.
Typically, when
Western Civilization
classes deal with what's called the
Enlightenment or the "Age of
Reason," they focus on writers drifting away
from orthodox
Christianity, e.g., Voltaire and Rousseau.
But, especially in the
English-speaking world, some of the greatest
champions of reason and
the "enlightened" outlook were also
champions of Biblical Christianity
(e.g., Jonathan Edwards). Please read
the selections from Joseph
Butler and/or William Paley in your Bush
anthology (pp. 327-374) and
add your comments to one of the following
Nature and nature's god
The dustbin of history
July 19 forum--I have an Inkling
Please read as much
as you can of C.S.
Lewis "Mere Christianity" and glance through
at least one of his other
works. Then comment on one or more of
the posts below.