(James Krause)
This is a takeoff of the original college bowl game that appeared on
television so many years ago. This adaptation will have high school
social studies students forming four teams under their emblem of a
heart, club, diamond or spade. Each team should have at least one
‘expert’ to equalize the fairness factor. Each team member must write
out and answer four questions from the text or material being covered
so that each student knows for sure four answers. All of the students’
questions will be placed in a box from which a question will be
randomly selected by the teacher or a member of a team for each round
of question and answer. The teacher shuffles the deck of cards and has
a student cut the cards. A team is dealt a card by the teacher and they
will show the card to the class. Whatever team is that suit gets the
question and the cards value for points if answered correctly. If that
team can not answer, they get no points and the unanswered question is
put back into the box. The playing card that determined the suit and
the team to play that round is discarded into a discard pile. The game
goes until all the questions are answered. The student will receive
individual participation points and bonus points as per their final
team standing.