UMC Morning Message
11, 2023
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Now the LORD
had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and
from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
and I will make of
thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name
great; and thou
shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be
blessed. So Abram
departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with
him: and Abram was
seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. And
Abram took Sarai
his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance
that they had
gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and
they went forth to
go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they
came. And Abram
passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the
plain of Moreh. And
the Canaanite was then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto
Abram, and said,
Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an
altar unto the
LORD, who appeared unto him. And he removed from thence unto a
mountain on the
east of Beth-el, and pitched his tent, having Beth-el on the
west, and Hai on
the east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and
called upon the name
of the LORD. And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the
A couple of weeks ago, Mike, Donna, and
I watched
Citizen Kane. At
first, Mike thought
this a great movie, and no wonder.
has a great sound track, great visuals, and great acting. No great surprise
Citizen Kane is on so many lists
of greatest films ever.
By the end of the movie, Mike didn’t
like it so much:
the ending is way too bleak.
The central
character, Charles Foster Kane (loosely based on William
Randolph Hearst) has
it all: money, power, and fame.
Yes, he
has his flaws, but you’re still sort of rooting for him, hoping
that he overcomes
his demons and gets on the right track.
But that’s not the end Orson Wells gives us. Instead, everything
(including Rosebud) is all
Now, depressing or no, this is a great
movie with a
great message. It’s
a theme addressed
often in songs, poems, novels, and sermons. The English writer
Samuel Johnson,
for instance, has a similar message in his poem, “The Vanity of
Human Wishes.” Johnson
points to the
ultimate failure of earthly
hopes—though (unlike Orson Wells) Johnson goes beyond the
failure of earthly
hopes to the true hope:
faith, that panting for a happier seat,
death kind Nature’s signal of retreat:
goods for man the laws of Heav’n ordain,
goods he grants, who grants the pow’r to gain;
these celestial wisdom calms the mind,
makes the happiness she does not find.
Then there’s the Lanny Wolf song Only One
It matters so little
How much you may own
The places you've been
Or people that you k
For it all comes to nothing
When placed at His feet
It's nothing to Jesus
Just memories to me
You can take all the treasures
From far away lands
And take all the riches
you can hold in your hands
And take all the pleasures
Your riches can buy
But will it help
When it's your time to die
Only one life
So soon it will pass
Only what's done for Christ will last
Only one chance to do His will
So give to Jesus all you days
It's the only life that pays
When you recall
You have but one life
When I was first a Christian, if I was
asked to give
an account of my own conversion, I talked about wrestling with
that “what’s it
all about” question. I
talked of my
freshman year at Stanford, and the amazingly accomplished people
I met—and the
disturbing realization that the things I would have considered
the epitome of
success (like being a Stanford professor or a successful
playwright) didn’t
seem to make anyone happy.
Now I would suspect that, at some
point, each of you
came to a similar realization, the realization that everything
in life was
meaningless without Christ—and it would probably make for a
better morning message
if we just shared stories of where they turning point came in
our lives.
But I want to deal with a further
question. How is
it, exactly, that we follow
Now, when I was first a Christian, it
seemed simple
enough. Start
reading the Bible. Start
praying. Start
going to church. Share
the Gospel with others. Fulfill
the Great Commission: go to all the
world and share the Gospel with every living creature.
But all these things are part of a team
effort. Acts talks
about the Lord adding daily “to
the Church those that would be saved. To build the kingdom of
God in part mean
to build the church, both the physical church and the people who
constitute the
No great surprise that building the
kind of things
Charles Foster Kane built may end up leaving you nothing but
But while building the church is
something really worth
doing, if we try to build the church the wrong way, we may end
up, in the end,
with nothing abut ashes anyway.
“Except the Lord build a house, they
labor in vain
that build it,” says the Psalm.
I love this
version of the
If the Lord doesn’t build the house,
it’s going to
fade. And even if,
initially, it did
seem the Lord was building the house, the work might eventually
run into
There’s Hagia Sophia, built by
Justinian in the 6th
century, and one of the most splendid places of Christian
worship ever. It’s
now a mosque. There
are the medieval
Cathedrals, likewise beautiful places of worship originally, now
mostly museums
and tourist attractions.
There are the great
French churches, seized by revolutionaries in 1793 and turned
into “Temples of
Reason,” essentially places for nature worship.
There are Russian orthodox churches of
the Kremlin in
Moscow—seized by revolutionaries and becoming a symbol of the
triumph of
atheistic Communist. . And
there are the
great churches of America, many of them torn down, re-purposed,
or just hanging
Now this doesn’t mean for a second that
those who
built these churches were wasting their time and money. Note that in this
passage and elsewhere,
Abraham and the patriarchs build altars as reminders of what God
had done.
But what it does mean that we have to
be very careful
with the tremendous heritage left us by those who gave
sacrificially to build
these churches. to properly remember and build on their efforts,
and to keep
them serving their original purpose.
Notice that even the greatest spiritual
shrines can
get diverted from their purpose. Bethel, one of the places
Abraham builds an
altar is a place where his decedents also found a relationship
with God. It’s
at Bethel where Jacob sees the ladder into heaven.
Bethel continued to be a place of
worship later. King
Jeroboam especially emphasized Bethel as
a place of worship. He
set up a Golden
Calf there (and another at Dan). The
worshiped was still called “Elohim,” but this isn’t the God of
Isaac and Jacob Jeroboam worshiped, but a god of riches and
sensuality. Prophets
like Amos and Hosea gave warning
after warning, but Bethel came crashing down. And then there’s another
of Abraham’s altars:
Mount Moriah (apparently the temple mount)—where the Dome of the
Rock stands
today—something both Jews and Christians see as a partial
fulfillment of the “abomination
of desolation: prophecy. Maybe
Now what is the point of all this?
Faith UMC is in a way a place like
Bethel. It has a
tremendous spiritual heritage.
It can and should be a place to remember what
God has done and what he can do in the future.
But we’re aging. There
are no
young people, and we’re not growing.
Does this mean we’ve drifted from God’s
plan for
us? Not
necessarily. We host NarcAnon
and Prairie Schole. We’re
continuing the
prayer chain: and maybe that’s all God wants from us right now.
But shouldn’t we be growing? Do we need
a plan for
growth, the kind of plan many churches adopt?
Now I have lots of ideas on how we can
do more…but I
hesitate. “Except
the Lord build a
house, they labor in vain that build it.” The things we might do
will come to
nothing if we are dependent on our own efforts and not trusting
to God to build
the house.
So what’s our church growth plan? Abraham didn’t bring
in the experts on church
growth, or go to conferences, or read the latest books on
Abraham’s growth plan?
Just listening to and obeying God.
That’s really all we have to do as a church, to see if we
can hear what
God would say to us about our future as a church.
A message on the building of altars
just has to end
with an altar call, of course.
I had
planned to use Solid Rock for the concluding hymn, but Donna
reminded me we had
just sung it. Bob
chose Hymn 110, A Mighty
Fortress is our God. That’s
an even more appropriate commitment
song: a reminder to trust our future to the bulwark that never