After the battle of Actium and the death of Cleopatra, Octavian (or, as
we will
soon call him, Augustus) was the only surviving player of our great
He had won the grand prize. But what now? He had a
difficult, near impossible
task before him: to rebuild a people torn apart by 100 years of
sporadic civil
war. What Rome needed at the time was a great hero, a Superman.
since Superman wasn't available, the task of rebuilding Rome fell on
shoulders and the shoulders of his successors, the Julio-Claudian
emperors of
Rome. In some ways, these men were rather successful. But the
stories of
each of these leaders have elements of tragedy: not least for the
Augustus himself is a great example both of the success of the
and the hints of tragedy. He was not the obvious man for the job
ahead of
him--and he knew it. He didn't have the great speaking skills one would
for in a great unifying leader. He didn’t have the commanding
presence one might expect: in fact, he was weak and rather
sickly. His
conduct during the period of the 2nd triumvirate was anything but
admirable. He had once noticed an equestrian taking notes on one
of his
speeches and, for no reason at all, ordered him killed on the spot. In
terms of
military and administrative experience, he was hardly the equal of the
Roman leaders before him. It was Antony whose leadership had secured
over the conspirators at Phillipi, and Agrippa who had secured the
against Sextus Pompey and against Antony and Cleopatra. On top of that,
he had
a miserable family life. He divorced his 2nd wife Scribonia
because he
couldn't stand her constant nagging. He wanted a wife more
and he looked (enviously) at a man named Drusus who had just such a
Livia. If only, thought Augustus, I could have a wife like
That would make me happy.
Well, Augustus found a way to get a wife *exactly* like Livia. He
Livia to divorce her husband (she wa pregnant at the time, by the way)
and now
Augustus has exactly the kind of supportive wife he wants. Well,
no. Not
surprisingly, this marriage wasn't completely happy either. Augustus
only had
one daughter (Julia), a girl he loved but who (eventually) he had to
exile for
adultery and treason. And, adding to Augustus' personal sorrows,
untimely death of his grandsons.
But Augustus was one of those people who make up for an unhappy
personal life
by absolutely throwing himself into his work. He clearly wanted
to do a
good job, saying that he wanted when he died to be known for having
the best possible government for his people, a system that would stand
the test
of time:
I be privileged to build firma
nd lasting foundations for the government of the state. May I
achieve the reward to which I aspire: that of being known as the author
of the
best possible constitution and of carrying with me when I die, the hope
these foundations which I have established for the state will abide
(Suetonius, 12 Caesars).
And he succeeded: the empire period of Roman history lasts in the West
until AD
476 and in the East until 1453. Not too shabby.
What was it that Augustus did?
Augustus first task was a restructuring of the government. We
talk about the reign of Augustus as the beginning of the imperial
period of
Roman history, and, from out point of view, that's right. But
that's not
exactly the way Augustus himself thought of what he was doing.
"Rex" (king) was a hated title in Rome, and that
"Imperator" title, the Latin word we get "emperor"
from, didn't yet refer to an autocrat. It was just a kind of
Augustus dream was (most probably) not to be a king, but to be a kind
extra-special princeps, first man of the Roman senate. Historians
call Augustus' system the "principate," and that's a very good way of
thinking about his restructing of government. Augustus simply holds
offices already existing in the Roman system. He is consul,
and censor. He's the pontifex maximus and hailed as
imperator. He
exercises tribunician power. The only real addition is a kind of
title: Augustus.
Augustus cemented support for himself by (more or less) stealing a page
the pharaohs. He supported the idea that Gaius Julius Caesar was
now a
god. This made him, if not quite a god, half-way there: he was the heir
of a
god, and deserving of the same kind of reverence. His nickname,
means “the revered one.” Loyalty to the emperor (and soon worship
of the
emperor) become the key to Roman unity.
But Augustus knew he couldn't govern the empire by himself. He
the title dictator when it was offered him, and, in 27 BC when civil
conditions had died away, he even offered to surrender his extra
But the senate itself insisted he was essential--and Augustus, more or
returned the compliments.
Somtimes historians refer to the rule of Augustus as a "dyarchy," a
kind of join rule. Augustus splits responsibility for the 20
provinces of
Rome between himself and the senators. He runs the provinces
where it's
necessary to have troops, while the senate runs the others. And
continues to use the senators as his administrators and he is careful
to let
the traditional procedures of republican government continue.
Augustus put a temporary end to the Roman armies marching on Rome
situation. He reduced the number of legions from 60 to 28 and
adopted a
non-expansionist policy. The Rhine and the Danube marked Rome's
borders. No need to push beyond that.
Under Augustus, the military was reduced in size to about 300,000 total
legionaries and auxiliaries: not a terribley great burden to support!
Also helpful in ensuring stablility was Augustus’ creation of the
guard, 3000 elite soldiers given the task of protecting the emperor and
order in the city of Rome itself. Augustus restored order
elsewhere too,
sending out his forces to end robbery/brigandage in Italy and sending
out his
navy (under Agrippa) to end piracy in the Mediterranean.
Augustus contined the "bread and circuses" policy, but made some
important reforms. He cut down the number of people getting
grain, but made sure of supplies. He sponsored lots of specacular
entertainmens as well--and created a fire department to help avert
disaster from fire.
Augustus tried (not terribly successfully) to address Roman ethical
as well. He tried to encourage marriage, to discourage divorce,
and to
increase the number of children people were willing to raise.
While his
“family law” measures didn’t succeed, he was somewhat more successful
in his
attempts to clean up ethical lapses in financial dealings.
Augustus had
indecent performers flogged and exiled. He offered rewards to
having large families, and put limits on legal divorces.
Strangely, many
elite Romans ducked the impact of Augustus' family-creation laws.
Bachelors would get themselves engaged to very young girls so that any
could be delayed.
Augustus was considerably more successful in restoring a sense of
fulfillment. He sponsored poets and historians who would remind
people of
Rome’s great heritage, and point optimistically to better days to
He made a big deal of the idea that, with his reign, a new age had
begun in
Roman history, a new age of peace and prosperity. He sponsored artists
would create things like the ara pacis, the altar of peace, decorated
great scenes from Roman history, reminding Romans of their great
heritage, but
also of the new age of peace that had arrived. Augustus also
many new public buildings, boasting that he found Rome “a city of
and left it “a city of marble.” These kind of things often do
work in
restoring a sense that your country is on the right track.
And Augustus was convinced he had done well by his people. Toward
the end
of us his life, he put together the "Res Gestae Divi Augusti," a list
of all his accomplishments. It's an impressive list, and it's
clear that,
under Augustus, Rome had a good start toward a new age of peace and
Well begun: half done, but only half done. In order for Augustus’
work to
be truly successful, he had to find someone to carry on when he was
He had no surviving sons or grandsons, so the task of finding as
successor was
a bit tricky—especially so since the system he had created worked best
of the
emperor was closely tied to Julius Caesar and to Augustus himself:
related to a god was a big help in getting people to accept you in a
job that
meant you were on the way to godhead yourself.
Augustus’ first choice was his nephew Marcellus. Marcellus was
related to Augustus, but Augustus wanted the tie to himself to be even
so he arranged a marriage between Marcellus and Julia, Augustus’s
daughter. All good—except Marcellus dies before Augustus, and
was back at square one.
Next, Augustus chooses Agrippa—another fine choice. Agrippa was a
general and administrator, but he had the disadvantage of not being
related to Augustus. Not to worry. Augustus had a
daughter—Julia—who was available, having been recently widowed.
good—except Agrippa dies before Augustus, and Augustus is back at
square one.
Now Augustus chooses his stepson Tiberius: not a bad choice, but,
again, a man
not as clearly connected to the “divine” family as he might be, and
wants the tied to be closer. Not to worry. Augustus has a
daughter—Julia—who was available, having been recently widowed.
is forced to divorce his own wife so he can marry Julia. And,
this time,
the designated successor does eventually take over.